Selma nezaobilazna uzvišena svete trojice Selman. Gordeljiva. Neprobojna. Svoja. Romska Majka Tereza. Performerka. Instalatorka. Slikarica.
Nešto mlađa od braće Selman morala se boriti za svoj prostor malo drugačijim putem u istoj mahali, u istoj romskoj zajednici i među istom romskom djecom. Umjetnica i aktivistica koja posljednjih godina živi i radi na relaciji Evropa-Sjedinjene Američke Države. Na Akademiji umjetnosti u Banjoj Luci diplomirala je slikarstvo, nakon čega je na Univerzitetu Syracuse u New Yorku magistrirala oblast transmedija, vizuelne umjetnosti i performansa. Njeni radovi, kojima pomjera granice i ruši stereotipe koje ljudi, kako na Balkanu, tako i u drugim, razvijenijim dijelovima svijeta, imaju prema Romima i manjima, pravo su osvježenje i zanimljiva pojava na međunarodnoj umjetničkoj sceni.
Slikajući Selmu slikar Selman ne eksperimetiše. Daje joj centralno mjesto jake žene pri čemu joj uspijeva očuvati potrebu za velikim mirom koji nema. Lišava je prostora oko sebe i ostavlja je bez jedinog gesta, bez krika. Zatvara je u unutrašnjost, u težinu boli koju nosi. Stabilizuje je i prikovava joj pogled. Ne, nije spremna za krik i otvaranje. Nema šale. Niti više, niti manje. Taman. Selma.
Slikar želi da dosegne umjetnički sadržaj višeg reda, gdje iznad i usprkos svih mogućih fokusa prepoznatljivosti, plastički oblik izražava što objektivniji pogled na model. Ne krade ništa, niti dodaje išta. Nikad nije pripadao nekom organiziranom umjetničkom pravcu, niti je posjedovao svijest o važnosti trendova i potrebi da se oni slijede. Slikar Selman želi živu sliku, svježe boje, kazuje nezavršenu priču na kraju koje ipak uvijek vidimo tačku.

Selma the inevitable sublime of the Holy Trinity Selman. Proud. Impenetrable. Yours. Roma Mother Teresa. Performer. Installer. Painter.
Somewhat younger than the Selman brothers, they had to fight for their space in a slightly different way in the same mahala, in the same Roma community and among the same Roma children. An artist and activist who has been living and working in Europe-United States relations in recent years. She graduated in painting from the Academy of Arts in Banja Luka, after which she earned a master's degree in transmedia, visual arts and performance from the University of Syracuse in New York. Her works, which push the boundaries and break down the stereotypes that people, both in the Balkans and in other, more developed parts of the world, have towards Roma and minorities, are a real refreshment and an interesting phenomenon on the international art scene.
Painter Selman does not experiment with painting Selma. It gives her the central place of a strong woman while managing to preserve her need for the great peace she lacks. It deprives her of the space around her and leaves her without a single gesture, without a scream. It locks her inside, in the weight of the pain she carries. It stabilizes her and catches her eye. No, she's not ready to scream and open. No kidding. No more, no less. That's right. Selma.
The painter wants to reach a higher-order artistic content, where above and in spite of all possible foci of recognizability, the plastic form expresses as objective a view of the model as possible. He does not steal anything, nor does he add anything. He never belonged to any organized artistic direction, nor did he possess an awareness of the importance of trends and the need to follow them. The painter Selman wants a vivid picture, fresh colors, telling an unfinished story at the end of which we still always see the point.
Texts by Hassan Zahirović